Call for Chapters | BOOK: Implementing Transformative Student-Centered Pedagogies in the Neoliberal Academy: Constraints and Opportunities
The book is part of the Educational Innovations Series and seeks to include quality works putting light on the contemporary advances in the fields of theory and practice of educational pedagogies.
Editor:Dr. Frederic Fovet, Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology, Royal Roads University, Canada.
Quality unpublished works as chapters are invited to the book. The chapters should strictly be according to the coverage scope of the book.
Topics covered by the book
Higher education has entered a phase of transformation over the last decade globally, in which institutions have been compelled to progressively shift their focus from research to teaching. Over this period, the student population in post-secondary has also become increasingly diverse. Faculty are hence increasingly being encouraged to develop pedagogical practices that are student-centered, transformative and inclusive. This objective requires a rapid shift of mindset from instructors, but they are also being constantly reminded of the need to simultaneously function and thrive within a business model ethos, and a neoliberal value system. There is a tangible ambivalence in the messaging faculty receive, and instructors are required to be creative, savvy and versatile in order to navigate this contradiction successfully. The volume seeks to examine the tension which exists between student-centered transformative pedagogies and neo-liberal pressures within higher education, as well as the opportunities being developed in this landscape.
Topics include innovative and transformative student-centered practices in higher education pedagogy which may inherently clash with neoliberal imperatives and objectives:
Universal Design for Learning;
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion;
Accessible Learning;
Critical Pedagogy;
Active Learning;
Constructivist practices;
Social Constructivist practices;
Experiential Learning;
Open Education;
Decolonizing Higher Education;
Indigenizing Higher Education;
Social Capital Development;
Global Citizenship Education.
Important dates:
Chapter abstract submission: June 01, 2021June 15, 2021
Full chapter submission: September 30, 2021
Book publication: September-October 2022
Guidelines & Notes
The chapters need to be submitted via email to the Editorial Desk at [email protected]
There is NO chapter submission/processing or publishing charge. The book accepts chapters free of any APC/fee.
A chapter should be APA styled and submitted in MS Docx format and must include authors’ affiliation details failing which the chapters will not be considered for review. A chapter should ideally be of 8-32 pages [7,000 to 10,000 words including references] with Times New Roman Font Size 12 with single line spacing & page margins of 1″(Top, Bottom, Left, Right).
Unoriginal or previously published works will not be processed for review.
All chapters need to have complete affiliation details.
All chapters will be reviewed by chapter reviewers (peer-reviewers) before acceptance by the book editor. The chapters will be reviewed using a double peer review system.
The editorial (editor’s) decision of accepting or rejecting a chapter shall be final. The book editor has all the editorial freedoms pertaining to the content quality of the book and the publisher doesn’t interfere in any editorial decision taken by the editor pertaining to the acceptance/rejection of any work for the book.
The authors submitting chapters need to adhere to our policies on plagiarism, scholarly misconduct, and publication ethics. The copyright in respect of the accepted chapters will remain with the authors with the publications’ rights being with the CSMFL Publications.
The authors of the accepted & published chapters retain their right to use their work for scholarly and teaching purposes subject to the conditions and limitations as described in Authors’ Rights for Content Reuse.
The book will be published in both print and ebook formats. The book will be available via-
EBSCOhost Academic Collection | EBSCO Ebooks | GOBI | Google Books | Google Books Play | WorldCat Discovery Service/OCLC | CrossRef Metadata Search | and CSMFL Bookstore (ebooks and print books).
The book chapters will also be available in Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar and other academic source databases.
Need assistance?
In case of any questions or clarification, our Editorial Desk can be contacted. In the case of queries not pertaining to this book, our Support Desk can be contacted.
If you are a PhD and experienced in reviewing and editing academic materials, you can publish an edited volume (book) with us. Submit an Edited Book Proposal.