This section contains general information for the generally asked queries. We have attempted an elaboration to help the prospective authors to have information for their ready reference. Here are the FAQs.

Q. What kind of books can I publish with CSMFL Publications?

Being traditional academic publishers, CSMFL Publications publish only academic books. Fiction works aren’t eligible.

Q. I have written some working papers, can I publish them as a book?

You can publish your working papers as a book if the same has not previously been published in peer-reviewed publications (journals) or as a book (or a part thereof). To make working papers eligible to be published as book, these working papers should address a common theme/domain and should meet other editorial quality parameters.

Q. Can I publish an edited book as editor with CSMFL Publications?

Most academic edited book proposals are eligible to be recommended to our Editorial Office. Please write to our Editorial Office for your edited book proposal.

Q. Can we publish the proceedings of a Seminar/Conference which we recently organized as a book?

You can, the proceedings are of scholarly or academic in nature. For publishing your past or future proceedings as a book, please write to our Editorial Office for a feasibility opinion. There are no costs of publishing for seminar/conference proceedings’ publication.

Q. Can I reproduce some of my previously published works in my book?

You should reproduce your previously works only if doing so is necessary to introduce your present work, provided you cite them properly while taking their reference. If you do not hold copyright, you will also need to have copyright permission from its holder (i.e. publisher of your previous works).

Q. If I submit my book proposal, will this be taken for review first before acceptance?

Being traditional academic publishers, at CSMFL Publications, every submitted book proposal is evaluated on certain quality parameters to ascertain the proposed book’s suitability for our content inventory. Only reviewed & accepted book proposals are taken up for their publishing.

Q. Is there any cost involved in publishing with CSMFL Publications? Is there any manuscript processing or publishing charge?

Absolutely NOT. You need not pay anything for publishing your book with CSMFL Publications. What we look for is the quality, relevance and originality of the content, that’s all.

Q. What bibliographic identifiers are assigned to the published books by CSMFL Publications?

As a general industry model practice, CSMFL Publications assign all the relevant bibliographic identifiers to the published content. These bibliographic identifiers include ISBNs, DOIs from Crossref, ASIN and other individual identifiers as assigned by our content syndication partners.

Q. If my book is accepted for publishing, will I be allowed to retain the copyright for the same?

The published authors remain the holders of the copyright for their published works. As far as the publishing & distribution rights for the published book are concerned, the same vest in favour of CSMFL Publications.

Q. Will I be eligible to receive a royalty from sales of the published book?

The royalties are paid to authors on a settled net sale proceeds basis. The percentage of royalties is decided while entering into a publishing agreement by & between the authors and CSMFL Publications. Net sale proceeds for royalty payout is calculated based on the sale price of the book minus discounts, expenses incurred in realizing the sale proceeds, and applicable withholding if any. Generally, the percentage of royalty on direct orders (orders fulfilled via CSMFL Bookstore) is 40% of the net sale proceeds. While the percentage of royalties for sales generated on third-party platforms is 30% of the net sale proceeds.

NOTE: No royalty is paid for bulk orders or discounted copies to authors. The policy on royalty can be revised by CSMFL Publications at any time after taking note of the business outlook. The published authors are given proper notice before affecting any change in the royalty policy.

Q. How effective reach & visibility can I expect for my published book, if I publish with CSMFL Publications?

At CSMFL Publications, we have content syndication partnerships globally to make our published content available to a worldwide readership. To ensure readership for our published content, we select only promising book proposals in the first place.


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